The Mystifying Secrets of The Numbers 3,6,9

Patterns & geometry through which the Universe speaks

Sanghamitra Moulik
Mystic Minds


Image by fszalai from Pixabay

I’ve always been fascinated with the man Nikola Tesla. He was the father of modern electricity and was a visionary with an eclectic mind. Not only could he envision his inventions in great holographic detail but he could also dismantle and modify his creations in his mind’s eye. His research on “energy” was particularly revolutionary for he unraveled secrets that decrypted the very fabric of reality.

In his work, he found patterns in nature that connect every matter from the microcosm to the macrocosm such as in the branching of leaves, the shape of seashells, the spots and strips of animals, galaxies, and star formations, etc.

Image by Dean Marston from Pixabay

Each of these patterns follows mathematical ratios like the pi, the golden ratio, the Fibonacci series, and so on, proving that an underlying code connects us all at an intricate level.

And like all genius minds, Tesla too had an obsession. He was obsessed with the numbers 3,6 and 9 to the extent that he would do everything in sets of 3. For instance, he only lived in hotel rooms that were divisible by 3. He swam 33 lapses, circled a building 3 times before entering it, and even wanted 18 three-folded napkins at every meal.

So what was it about the number 3 that fascinated the great inventor? Quoting his notable words here, it reveals the importance he had associated with these numbers.

“If you only knew the magnificence of 3, 6, and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.”

The spots and strips of animals. (Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels)

What are these divine secrets? One of the patterns the Universe repeatedly uses is the binary pattern. A system in which the pattern starts from 1 and continues to double itself — 1,2,4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and so on. Some call this pattern the blueprint of God.

You can witness this in the meiosis & mitosis cellular division via which a single cell becomes a multicellular organism. Additionally, you can find it in the sacred geometry patterns that form the structure for the Universe’s emergence from nothingness to physicality.

Image by Colin Behrens from Pixabay

Let’s look at another pattern found in vortex mathematics — a repeating pattern of the order 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, and so on.

To get this pattern, we double the numbers much like in binary, the difference being that every double or triple-digit number is reduced down to a single digit.

1+0 = 1
1+1= 2
2+2 = 4
4+4 = 8
8+8 = 16, i.e., 1+6 = 7
16+16 = 32, i.e., 3+2 = 5
32+32 = 64, i.e., 6+4 = 10, 1+0 = 1
64+64 = 128, i.e., 1+2+8 = 11, 1+1 = 2
128+128 = 256, i.e., 2+5+6 = 13, 1+3 = 4
256+256 = 512, i.e., 5+1+2 = 8
512+512 = 1024, i.e., 1+0+2+4 = 7
1024+1024 = 2048, i.e., 2+0+4+8 = 14, 1+4 = 5

The same pattern repeats itself over and over again. Note that this pattern is devoid of 3, 6 & 9.

Now something even more interesting happens when you start doubling 3, 6 & 9.

3+3 = 6
6+6 = 12, i.e., 1+2 = 3
12+12 = 24, i.e., 2+4 = 6
24+24 = 48, i.e., 4+8 = 12, 1+2 = 3
48+48 = 96, i.e., 9+6 = 15, 1+5 = 6

As you can see, this pattern does not harbor the number 9 as if 9 is beyond both these patterns.

But what happens when you start doubling 9? The result is always 9!

9+9 = 18, i.e., 1+8 = 9
18+18 = 36 i.e., 3+6 = 9
36+36 = 72 i.e., 7+2 = 9

Religion & philosophy can only speculate what mathematics can prove.

What makes number 9 so important?

Imagine there are two dimensions — A & B. Dimension A is governed by 1,2,4 & dimension B by 8,7, and 5.

Now imagine the energy flowing between these dimensions forming an infinity shape. However, there is another element that governs the two dimensions — 3 & 6. 3 governs 1 & 2, 8 & 4, 7 & 5 while 6 governs 2 & 4, 1 & 5, 8 & 7.

Image by Sanghamitra

You might ask, how 3 & 6 govern the two dimensions. And the answer is another pattern where
1+2 = 3
2+4 = 6
4+8 = 12, 1+2 = 3
8+7 = 15, 1+5 = 6
7+5 =1 2, 1+2 = 3
5+1 = 6

However, the two sides 3 & 6 are not independent. They are in turn governed by 9!
3+6 = 9
6+3 = 9

In fact, all the numbers together equal 9, excluding and including 3 & 6. So 9 is the unity or in other words everything and nothing at the same time.

Take any polygons for instance, the sum of all the angles always reduces to 9.

When polygons are stacked one over the other, it reveals an outward divergence. Image By Sanghamitra

Bisect any circle and the resulting angle is always 9.

When a circle is bisected, it reveals a convergent pattern. Image By Sanghamitra

9 reveals a linear duality. It is called the symbol of enlightenment. It is both creation and destruction, singularity and manifestation at the same time. You can picture 9 as the 9th dimension that encapsulates the entire Universe in itself.

Religion & philosophy can only speculate what mathematics can prove. Through these patterns, mathematics reveals an intricately connected Universe whose meaning is unfortunately lost in our modern “scientific” and “disconnected” worldview of reality.

If 9 is the CEO of the Universe, then 3 & 6 are his COO and CFO and the remaining numbers are the various division heads. And together they operate the Universe.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” — Nikola Tesla

How This Knowledge Helped Me Raise My Vibration

Knowing the powers of these magical numbers I thought why not experiment with them in my life and see if they are indeed so powerful?

So I’ve set three gratefulness alarms on my phone at 3 pm, 6 pm & 9 pm and since 2020 no matter where I am during these times, I pause, hold my breath, and recite my gratefulness mantra:

“I am so grateful and thankful to you Universe for this space and time and for the abundance of health, wealth, success, love, knowledge, and wisdom in my life.”

Within no time, these frequencies began to increase exponentially in my life. In 2021, I received a double promotion at work and my earnings increased by a whopping 60%. Recently I quit my corporate job and I’m working towards building something of my own. And quite serendipitously I’m attracting just what I need to establish my new paradigm and it’s all because I saw the magic of the numbers.

I couldn’t be grateful enough to Nikola Tesla for helping us unravel the mysteries of the numbers 3, 6, and 9 and to the Universe for aligning everything needed for conscious manifestation.



Sanghamitra Moulik
Mystic Minds

Psychologist & writer attempting to decipher the world through the lens of psychology, spirituality & by deconstructing the nature of reality.